Plant Molecular Biology 38: 785-795 (1998)
Ethylene responsive element binding protein (EREBP) expression
and the transcriptional regulation of class I ß-1,3-glucanase
during tobacco seed germination
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger, Luciana Petruzzelli (1), Rosa Waldvogel,
Regina Vögeli-Lange (2), Frederick Meins, Jr.
Figure 2. EREBP- and ßGLU I-mRNA expression during seed germination and in mature seeds, roots, and leaves of Glb-GUS tobacco.
(a) Immunoblots of seed extracts (80 μg protein/lane) probed with an antibody that recognizes all known tobacco ß-1,3- glucanases. Seeds were imbibed in continuous light either in the absence (Control) or presence of 100 ppm ethylene. The onset of endosperm rupture was ca. 58 h in control and ca. 50 h in ethylene-treated seed populations. ßGLU I, 10 ng of the authentic 33 kDa tobacco enzyme.
(b) RNA-blot hybridization of total RNA (25 μg/lane) prepared from seeds germinated under the conditions indicated in (a). The blots were hybridized with probes for ßGLU I, EREBP-1, EREBP-3, EREBP-4, and 18S rRNA used as a loading standard. The recovery of 18S rRNA was consistently reduced early in germination.
(c) RNA blots of total RNA (20 μg/lane) were hybridized with probes for ßGLU I, EREBP-1, EREBP-3, EREBP-4, and 18S rRNA. Seeds were imbibed in the dark with 10 μM GA4 added; endosperm rupture was 19.7 % (day 3) and 0 % (days 1 and 2). Photodormant (Dormant) and non-photodormant (Non-dorm.) seeds without added GA4 were sampled 4 days after the start of imbibition in the dark. Root and leaf RNA were extracted from an adult plant (4 months old, ca. 1 meter in height). With the exception of mature seed RNA, the samples are on the same blot.
The image below is not part of the publication, but provides additional unpublished spatial information for the RNA expression pattern.
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