Molecular and General Genetics 256: 661-673
Transcripts at the mating type locus of Cochliobolus heterostrophus
Gerhard Leubner-Metzger, Benjamin A. Horwitz, Olen C. Yoder, B.
Gillian Turgeon
Cornell University, Department of Plant Pathology, 334 Plant Science
Bldg., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Received: 1 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 June 1997
Abstract. The single mating type locus (MAT) of the heterothallic
ascomycete Cochliobolus heterostrophus is composed of a pair of unlike
sequences called idiomorphs that each encode one MAT-specific gene (MAT-1
and MAT-2). MAT transcripts were observed in blots of poly(A)+ RNA isolated
from cultures grown in minimal medium, but were not detectable after growth
of the fungus in complete medium, suggesting that transcription of MAT is
tightly regulated. The idiomorphs (MAT-1 = 1297 bp, MAT-2 = 1171 bp) encode
transcripts of 2.2 kb (MAT-1) and 2.1 kb (MAT-2) which start 5' and end
3' of the idiomorph in sequences common to both mating types. Analyses of
MAT-1 and MAT-2 cDNAs revealed obligatory splicing of one intron (MAT-1
= 55 bp; MAT-2 = 52 bp) within each MAT-specific ORF and optional splicing
of two introns (63 and 79 bp) in the long (approximately 0.55 kb) 5' untranslated
leader sequences; the 3' untranslated region is 0.46 kb. Transcription start
sites were found 5' of and within the 79 bp intron. Optional splicing of
the upstream introns and at least two transcription start sites result in
three types of transcript: Type I with both 5' introns spliced, Type II
with only the 63 bp intron spliced, and Type III with neither 5' intron
spliced. The three transcript types are distinguished by various combinations
of four short ORFs encoded by the corresponding genomic DNA, in the leader
sequences of the MAT message. Transcript structure suggests several mechanisms
by which expression of the MAT genes might be regulated at the level of
translation during sexual development.
Key words: Ascomycete, Intron, uORF, UTR, mRNA leader

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