Planta 213: 758-763 (2001)

Brassinosteroids and gibberellins promote tobacco seed germination by distinct pathways

Gerhard Leubner-Metzger

BR promote seed germination of non-photodormant tobacco seeds imbibed in the light or in darkness without appreciably affecting ß-1,3-glucanase (ßGLU I) activity and protein content.

Figure 1.
The effect of different BR concentrations on endosperm rupture (A) and ßGLU I accumulation (B) of germinating non-photodormant tobacco seeds. Seeds were imbibed in continuous light (closed symbols) or in darkness (open symbols) in medium without (C) or with 10-10 to 10-6 M BL added. The incidence of endosperm rupture expressed as percent was scored 55 h (light) and 65 h (darkness) after the start of imbibition. The ßGLU enzyme activities expressed as pkat / seed, and the ßGLU I protein contents determined by immunoblot analyses expressed as ng / seed.
© Leubner-Metzger, Planta 213: 758-763 (2001)


BR promote ABA-inhibited germination of non-photodormant tobacco seeds imbibed in the light or in darkness without appreciably affecting ßGLU I.

GA promote ABA-inhibited germination of non-photodormant tobacco seeds only in the dark and this promotion is associated with ßGLU I accumulation.

Figure 2.
The effect of BR and GA on the time courses of ABA-inhibited endosperm rupture of non-photodormant tobacco seeds imbibed in continuous light (A) or in darkness (B). The incidence of endosperm rupture expressed as percent of seeds scored with time in medium supplemented with 10 µM ABA and, as indicated, with 0.01 µM BL and 10 µM GA4. Results obtained with seeds not treated with hormones are presented as control.
© Leubner-Metzger, Planta 213: 758-763 (2001)

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