Plant Physiology 133: 1445-1452 (2003)
Distinct ultraviolet-signaling pathways in bean leaves. DNA damage
is associated with ß-1,3-glucanase gene induction, but not with
flavonoid formation
Kucera B, Leubner-Metzger G, Wellmann E
Institut für Biologie II, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,
Schänzlestrasse 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Received July 3, 2003; returned for revision August 17, 2003; accepted September
16, 2003.
Hyperlink to a UVB receptor: Rizzini et al. (2011)
Figure 2. Distinct effects of UV and wounding on ßGlu I gene expression. Plants were irradiated for 15 min under the UV source; one of the primary leaves was covered with a WG 360 filter to exclude UV-B (control) while the opposite leaf was left uncovered. After UV irradiation, plants were kept in red light for the time indicated. For wounding response, one primary leaf was damaged using forcipes, while the opposite leaf was left untreated as a control.
A, Time course of ßGlu I protein accumulation. The position of ßGlu I standard from tobacco is shown in the first lane. The apparent size in kilodaltons of the major immunoreactive band is indicated at the right.
B, Time course of ßGlu activity after UV treatment (F) or wounding (E) with controls (UV cut-off filter WG 360; ƒ, untreated).
C, Time course of ßGlu I mRNA accumulation after UV treatment (F) with control kept under UV cut-off filter WG 360 (E). Inset, Northern blots (including loading control in first two lanes) 24 h after UV treatment. UV, irradiation without filter; UV, control irradiated under UV cut-off filter WG 360. Mean values and SE from four independent experiments. |

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